Practice Regime Update 4.0

Just to let you know I’ve updated the Practice page again, this time after reading and writing about Fly Casting As Movement. I’ve deliberately introduced more play, more variability and greater ease with, and reliance upon, trial and error. Most significantly, however, the focus has sharpened on doing more with less, on eliminating superfluous effort as the key objective and means of improvement.

I’ve also incorporated a couple of new things including teaching myself to cast with the non dominant (right) hand and using progressively longer PUALDs, out to maximum distance. Among other things this helps with extending sustainable carry and allows for cognitive input into the effort profile of the next stroke.

The incremental regime changes, now four of them, don’t represent a departure from anything I wrote previously about structured and mindful practice. The principles haven’t changed. What I do to implement them has changed. Indeed, the fact of repeated changes is evidence of adherence. Change supports mindfulness and promotes play and control through variation.