Where To From Here?

Earlier this month I got back from an exceptional trip to Tasmania – the bush camping and the fishing were both deeply restorative. To my considerable delight I found that my practice casting was pretty well integrated with my fishing casting. As always there are a few things I want to refine and doubtless some others I will want to learn.

Overall, however, the fly casting objectives set over the past 5 years have been met. New objectives are needed or new directions for this site will have to be found. I’m open to ideas and happy to discuss them. Please use the contact link if you have suggestions.

If nothing bold and new comes along I might consolidate existing pages and posts into something with more narrative continuity – more bookish and less blogish. What I won’t do is make stuff up as though the journey continued as before. That would depart from several of my core values for the site which will remain untouched. Something has changed, however, and I need to process the change.

Best wishes for your fishing and casting in the New Year.